Rescue and Jessica: A Life-Changing Friendship

RescueAndJessicaRescue and Jessica: A Life-Changing Friendship
Written by Jessica Kensky, Illustrated by Scott Magoon

Publisher’s Summary:
When he is paired with a girl who has lost her legs, Rescue worries that he isn’t up to the task of being her service dog. Based on a real-life partnership, the heartening story of the love and teamwork between a girl and her service dog will illuminate and inspire.

Primary Source Pairing:
Told in two voices, Rescue’s and Jessica’s, this story is an example of how when something bad and scary happens, good things can happen again. Rescue provides essential emotional and physical support to Jessica when she needs it the most. For this primary source pairing, invite students to watch and learn from a video from NEADS, the organization where Rescue was trained. This video highlights the work the trainers do with the puppies at NEADS during their first month in the program. Show this video after reading about Rescue and Jessica and encourage students to make connections to the book.

Questions for Discussion:

  • Describe what you see and hear.
  • What do you notice first?
  • What is happening in this video?
  • Make a connection to what you see in the video and something you read in the book Rescue and Jessica: A Life-Changing Friendship.

Book Cover and Summary: Follett
Year of the NEADS Dog Month 1: